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Posidonia in the Mediterranean Sea

La Posidonia, Mar Mediterráneo


Posidonia in the Mediterranean Sea

Posidonia is an underwater plant that grows in the Mediterranean Sea and is essential to the marine ecosystem. It is known as “the lungs of the sea” due to its ability to produce oxygen and support a wide variety of marine life.

Posidonia is characterised by its long, narrow leaves and roots that adhere to the seabed. It grows in dense meadows that can cover large areas of water. These meadows are important refuges for many species of fish and crustaceans, as well as for the larvae of many species of molluscs and corals.



Posidonia also plays an important role in the formation of coral reefs. When they die, the roots and stems of Posidonia decompose and become sediment that is used by corals to build their reefs.

However, Posidonia faces threats in the Mediterranean Sea due to human activity, such as pollution, overfishing and tourism. Logging and pruning of Posidonia are also problems, as these activities can severely damage the meadows and negatively affect marine life.

It is important to take measures to protect Posidonia and its ecosystem in the Mediterranean Sea. This includes the implementation of conservation policies, education about its importance and the regulation of human activities that may damage it.

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