Terms of Use & Cookie Policy

The COMPANY provides the content and services that are available on the Web Site, subject to these General Conditions of Use as well as to the policy on the treatment of personal data (hereinafter, the “Data Protection Policy”). Access to this Web Site or its use in any form gives you the status of “User” and implies the unreserved acceptance of each and every one of these General Conditions of Use, with the COMPANY reserving the right to modify them at any time. Consequently, it will be the responsibility of all Users to carefully read the General Conditions of Use in force each time they access this Web Site, so that if they do not agree with any of the provisions herein, they should refrain from using this Web Site.

You are also advised that, from time to time, special conditions may be established for the use of specific content and/or services on the Website, and the use of such content or services shall imply acceptance of the special conditions specified therein.

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